Tomato Update …

Another no pic tomato update but I need to write this down or I’ll forget.

2 days ago picked 9, today picked 5.  CG2 tomato has a lot of second growth with 10 new tomatoes on the way and possibly more.   As mentioned before, CG3 did not produce and is dead.  CG6 is producing some small ones but it is essentially dead.   CG7 came back to life somehow and has second growth and may produce more tomatoes.  I had written CG7 off for dead awhile ago.  I let morning glories grow on them and they may have helped bring the tomatoes back to life.  Not sure why this would be but I could easily trellis the tomato containers next season and formally grow MGs as companion plants to test this further.

Total tomatoes so far, 35 including small ones.  Projected crop upgraded to perhaps 50.   Assuming only 3 producing plants 50 is 2/3 of 75 which is my benchmark for what they produce.  Even though the crop is stunted I am getting tomatoes to give away.

I am considering adding another 9 cuft. box to main roof next year with either two more tomatoes or 2 cucumbers.  Will decide that next spring.

That is all for now.

Tomato update

No pics for this log book entry.  Picked 8 smaller tomatoes last night bringing total up to perhaps 21.  CG2 tomato has second growth and may produce through September now that CG3 tomato is dead producing nothing.  CG6 and CG7 have about 10 tomatoes between them.  Crop is way down this season but not a total failure.  Tomatoes are enough for me but can’t give any away.  No pics.  Lost island debris clump has an interesting plant growing in it.  Will post a pic soon.

Log Entry: Tomatoes

Update on tomatoes, no pics.  Caged position 2 is getting second growth and its partner in caged position 3 is completely dead.  This could be due to having different kinds of plants sharing the same container.  I had problems with habeneros sharing containers with eggplants in previous seasons.  It looks like position 2 tomato might produce what it should for an average season.

Caged position 6 and 7 have tomatoes and will produce a steady stream.  Position 7 is barely alive yet its tomatoes are growing.  I think I pulled 8 tomatoes so far.  I should get 100 tomatoes from 4 plants and I estimate the total crop to be maybe 30 possibly 40.  It’s easier to count crop totals when there are only 4 tomato plants instead of the 8 I grew in past seasons.

Only pulled one tomato with BER from caged position 6, the second healthiest tomato plant.  Each tomato position received 1/4 small bag of garden lime which might have helped mitigate BER.  I have always had BER with the first bunch of tomatoes.

Cleome Main Roof

IMG_0544Cleome blooms on the main roof.  Cleome seedlings were quite small this spring.  Placed two Cleome per 3 cuft container in caged position 8 and one in SE corner corner 3 cuft container.  These containers  probably could support companion wildflowers if seeded.  Maybe next year.

All hot pepper plants growing nicely.  I forgot to label them too which might become a challenge.

Update: Just thought of this observation.  The Cleome plants look kind of weak and haven’t grown as big as in previous years.  This applies to Cleome in front parkway as well.  I am worried my potting mix lacks nutrition and I have been lax fertilizing this season.  I need to make a fertilizing schedule and stick to it next season.  Maybe get one of these reminder apps to buzz me when it is time to fertilize.

Caged Positions 6 and 7

IMG_0540I need to get a better shot of this container.  Position 6 is in the foreground with 7 behind it.  Both are shriveling badly but 6 is producing more and 7 is almost gone although I did pull a perfect tomato from it today.  I chose to let the plants die on their own instead of pruning them because I don’t know what’s going on and don’t want to make things worse.

I suspect the best tomatoes, 2 and 6 are Celebrity and Big Boy which are generic tomato brands and have been grown on this roof before and known for their hardiness.  Positions 3 and 7 were some heirloom variety which may not be capable of surviving in a harsh environment.  This summer has been very cool and mild so they haven’t seen anything harsh like what previous crops have gone through.

Next season I’ll stick to two Celebrities and 2 another generic keeping the same kind in the same container and see what happens.  Need to get main roof overview.  It is quite reduced and more organized compared to last season.  I will keep the same configuration next season.

Caged Positions 2 and 3

IMG_0525Caged positions 2 and 3, two tomatoes.  I made an error during planting and forgot to keep the tags by their plants and document the order here; in this logbook.

I think caged position 2, to the left, is a big boy.  So fat it is the best looking tomato of the four and has new growth.  The bottoms of these plants are shriveling and dying and it’s not mites like in past years.  Position 3 is a goner and will produce nothing.  I should probably pull it.

These seedlings were individuals and about 4x more expensive than the 4-packs.  I suspect these seedlings are not very hardy and may have trouble in the harsh environment of a rooftop.

Front parkway on 7/27

IMG_0372View of front parkway as you approach from the west on July 27.  As of today, 8/4, raspberries are done for the year as well as catnip.  Sunflowers are blooming out.  I pruned all raspberry branches that produced fruit per instructions since they will not produce next year.  This has thinned the bushes significantly which will allow branches for next year to become bigger and more established.  I plan not to prune them and tie them up so they start out growing straight up.  I’m hoping to get them to 10 feet or more and then arch over the sidewalk.  We’ll see how that works out next season.  Also the time lapse keeps snapping away pics,

In other news main roof tomatoes don’t look well but may produce some.  I would categorize this crop as a failure and it could be due to lack of fertilizing or too much rain in May and June or bad seedlings.  It seems the more expensive the seedlings are the worse they grow out.  Need to test this more next season.  I haven’t seen any mites however.

Since I haven’t documented this here are main roof cage positions.

1234 5678

There are only 8 compared to 15 in the last seasons.  This makes watering much easier but it’s still a chore.  P=peppers T=tomatoes and C=Cleome.  The peppers are various super hot variety that I’m growing on consignment.  Although they struggled they are all doing well on main roof.

Veranda peppers doing worse so I’m letting morning glory vines grow out.  So far the reduced veranda has been easy to water as well.  I haven’t taken any pics of veranda or main roof since nothing is very interesting.  Debris clumps on main roof need a writeup soon however.