Update on tomatoes, no pics. Caged position 2 is getting second growth and its partner in caged position 3 is completely dead. This could be due to having different kinds of plants sharing the same container. I had problems with habeneros sharing containers with eggplants in previous seasons. It looks like position 2 tomato might produce what it should for an average season.
Caged position 6 and 7 have tomatoes and will produce a steady stream. Position 7 is barely alive yet its tomatoes are growing. I think I pulled 8 tomatoes so far. I should get 100 tomatoes from 4 plants and I estimate the total crop to be maybe 30 possibly 40. It’s easier to count crop totals when there are only 4 tomato plants instead of the 8 I grew in past seasons.
Only pulled one tomato with BER from caged position 6, the second healthiest tomato plant. Each tomato position received 1/4 small bag of garden lime which might have helped mitigate BER. I have always had BER with the first bunch of tomatoes.