Another no pic tomato update but I need to write this down or I’ll forget.
2 days ago picked 9, today picked 5. CG2 tomato has a lot of second growth with 10 new tomatoes on the way and possibly more. As mentioned before, CG3 did not produce and is dead. CG6 is producing some small ones but it is essentially dead. CG7 came back to life somehow and has second growth and may produce more tomatoes. I had written CG7 off for dead awhile ago. I let morning glories grow on them and they may have helped bring the tomatoes back to life. Not sure why this would be but I could easily trellis the tomato containers next season and formally grow MGs as companion plants to test this further.
Total tomatoes so far, 35 including small ones. Projected crop upgraded to perhaps 50. Assuming only 3 producing plants 50 is 2/3 of 75 which is my benchmark for what they produce. Even though the crop is stunted I am getting tomatoes to give away.
I am considering adding another 9 cuft. box to main roof next year with either two more tomatoes or 2 cucumbers. Will decide that next spring.
That is all for now.