Tomatoes and Debris clump

The tomatoes look OK and today was the first day of harvesting. Although the tomatoes taken today are small hopefully they’ll get bigger. If everything goes right I should be harvesting tomatoes through September. The Debris Clump next to the tomatoes has gotten quite large. This is two debris clumps from last year that merged into one. When dry, the entire mass can be pushed around the roof like a big mop head. Hopefully no roots penetrate the rubber. Since I’ve never done this to such a large scale I’m in unchartered territory. I need to find a roofer to help me out should a leak occur.

Baby’s breath in debris clump

This year I cheated and seeded some  debris clumps with wildflower seeds.  In past years I let even the most obnoxious weed grow in them to see what survives in that environment.  I’m watering these more this year to see what effect that has on their diversity.  Today a baby’s breath pops out of one of the debris clumps.  Lost island is out of focus and in the background — as well as my neighbor’s third floor deck.

Debris Clump Lost

Lost Island

I call this debris clump Lost Island. This debris clump includes old habenero plant skeletons. If vines grow they’ll be able to use those skeletons. We’ll see more of this as the season progesses as well as why it reminds me of the island on Lost.

Debris Clump

Debris Clump

During spring planting there are a lot of old plants and debris from the previous year.  Some of this debris collects in piles and I let whatever plant can survive in that pile grow.  This clump I cheated and seeded it with wildflowers but am happy to see them grow.  I have been watering these clumps more this year than in past.  More on clumps later.