This tomato in front parkway grew wild from a seed and didn’t achieve seedling status until late June and now it’s falling over its hoop cage.
Update Main Roof Tomatoes: No pics of main roof tomatoes but status needs to be updated. Here is the current caged layout since I haven’t documented that yet for this year:
O = Other, T=Tomato, numbered left to right one to fifteen, west to east.
The above chart is important since there are some problems but overall the crop looks like they will produce. BER tomatoes are still coming out. Some small Celebrity tomatoes without BER harvested 4 days ago.
Leaves on tomato in caged position 2 are yellowing badly but not affecting T in caged position 3 which is of a different type. Caged position 1 is western most. Ts in Caged positions 5 and 6, both Brandywines, doing the best and are the tallest ever. They both share a new 9 cu.ft. container built this spring. Ts on eastern end, caged positions 13 and 14 not doing well but they’re in the old 3 cu.ft. containers. Difference in growth between the two container types is striking.
Next season all tomatoes will share a 9 cu.ft. container placing same types together as they seem to grow better with their own kind. Caged positions 1-4 will be moved to NE corner.main roof which will have 1 9 cu.ft. and 2 3 cu.ft. containers. There might be some bacteria problem at the west end of the roof. The skinny eggplant in caged position 1, sharing a 9 cu.ft. with T in caged position 2 is doing very well. Eggplants never seem to have problems however.
All habeneros look big this year except the ones getting crowded out by their unruly container companion. More on this later ….
Edit: Forgot to mention that the plant behind the tomato is zoom out shot of the weed mentioned in the previous article. This plant never seemed to fully flower out even though it was always on the verge of blooming.